4 Tips For Choosing A Legal Guardian For Your Child

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A legal guardian is someone who will take care of your child in the event that both you and your spouse die (for example, in a car accident). While this is an unpleasant possibility to consider, it's important to meet with a family law attorney and get a plan in place just in case. Should something tragic occur, you wouldn't want your child's guardianship and custody to be a matter of contention in your family or to be battled out in the court system. Here are a few tips for choosing the best legal guardian for your child:

Focus on Personal Attributes

When choosing the right guardian for your child, personal attributes and personality traits are perhaps the most important factor. Someone might make a good guardian from a financial perspective, but not be suited for guardianship personality-wise. When thinking about family members and close friends, look for someone caring, warm, good with children, and responsible. Consider your child's preferences as well - they more than likely already have close bonds with specific people in your life.

Look for Shared Values

In addition to choosing someone with a warm and loving personality, you should look for a guardian who shares your values. This ensures your child will be raised in a similar way to how you would raise them yourself. Shared values include religious or spiritual beliefs, as well as generosity, a commitment to volunteer work, etc.

Consider Health and Longevity

Another factor to keep in mind is the health and potential lifespan of your child's potential guardian. If your parents are elderly and disabled, for example, they may not be the most rational choice. If something happens to you and your spouse, you want to ensure that their new home will be a long-lasting one with people who can provide plenty of stability and attention.

Have a Financial Plan

Sometimes the person who seems like the best guardian isn't in a financial position to take care of a child. This shouldn't rule them out, however, since you can mitigate this by having a solid financial plan in place. You should have life insurance and a will that specifies how your child will be provided for financially if you and your spouse die. This should account for everything from your child's living expenses to their college education.

By choosing a legal guardian you trust to care for and love your child, you will gain peace of mind. For more information about how to legally establish someone as a guardian, contact an attorney like J. Scott Braden.
