Getting A Divorce? What You Should Know

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While most of us don't enter into marriage thinking about divorce, it's something that many couples end up doing down the line. In fact, divorce is actually very common. Somewhere between 40 and 50% of couples in the US will end up divorcing at some point. If you and your partner have decided to part ways, there are a few things that you should know. Doing your research can help make divorcing an easier process. Here's are three things to consider.

Laws Vary From State to State

The first thing that you should be aware of is that divorce laws can vary greatly from state to state. If you are divorcing, chances are you are either divorcing in the state you live in or the state you were married in. You may have a choice depending on state laws and your situation. You will want to look up the divorce process in your state of residence or the state you were married in as you start the process. 

The Process Takes Time

If you are considering a divorce, it's also important to note that it's not an immediate decision. At best you are looking at just a few weeks before your divorce is finalized by a judge. At worst, if your divorce is complicated or contentious, you could be looking at months or even years in court. Typically, you can expect for your divorce to be finalized somewhere between six weeks and 12 months. Uncontested divorces are the fastest option. The more you agree on splitting your assets and on child custody, typically the faster your divorce will be approved. 

An Attorney Can Help

Even if you and your partner agree to go your separate ways without any difficulties, the process of divorce can still be confusing. The good news is that a family law attorney can help. This type of attorney deals with divorce as well as other issues relating to family law. The average cost of this type of attorney is around $250 per hour. They can help you navigate through all of the legal paperwork and ensure that you meet the necessary deadlines in order for your divorce to be finalized as soon as possible. Many couples who are divorcing amicably will even use the same attorney.

If you are getting a divorce, there are a few things that you should be aware of. Divorce laws can vary drastically from state to state. The process can also take time. Typically, your divorce will be finalized anywhere from six weeks after you file up to a year. If you find the process of divorcing to be confusing, an attorney can be an invaluable resource. 
