What To Know When Giving A Deposition For A Divorce

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Are you being asked to give a deposition as part of the divorce process? If so, you may not know what to expect. Here are some things that you should know prior to giving a deposition.

Know That Your Lawyer Can Prepare You

One of the benefits of having a lawyer for your divorce is that they can prepare you for the deposition. A divorce lawyer has likely done many depositions, and can let you know exactly what to expect. They'll prep you by letting you know of potential questions, as well as staging a mock deposition. In addition, a lawyer can help object to questioning on your behalf during the deposition so that you do not have to respond to any questions that you should not answer.

Know That The Deposition Is Transcribed

While you will be giving your deposition in person or over video conference software, be aware that the entire deposition will likely be referred to in a transcript format. This means that you must choose your words carefully. Many aspects about a deposition are lost when they are read from a transcript, so it is best to give answers that are clear and concise. For example, sarcasm is not clear when it is read back on a piece of paper. 

Know How To Dress

You still need to dress appropriately for your deposition, even if people may be reading the transcripts instead of watching a video of it. There is a chance that the video can be used, and you want to look professional in it. Business casual is always a professional look for this type of situation.

Know That You Can Ask For Questions To Be Clarified

Since everything that you say is going to be documented, it is important that you fully understand all questions that are being asked of you. Do not provide an answer until you are ready to give an answer that you are committing to. You can request to have the question restated or asked again if necessary. 

Know To Remain Calm

A divorce can be a very personal matter, but it's important that you remain calm during the deposition. It is not the time to take out your anger on your spouse's lawyer. Know that you can always take a break from the deposition and recollect yourself. You can leave the room, get something to drink, and come back when you're ready. Asking for a break is not going to be looked down upon.

For more information, contact a divorce attorney near you.
