3 Complex Issues Couples May Face When Seeking A Divorce

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There comes a time when many spouses decide that they no longer want to be married. Sometimes the feelings are mutual and the partners have amicable divorces, but even amicable divorces can be complex. There are a variety of circumstances that can make a divorce complicated. This is why many couples choose to include divorce attorney services. The following points offer insight into a few complexities that could arise in a divorce.

Contested Divorce

Sometimes one of the spouses may not want to get divorced. This is referred to as a contested divorce. Whereas, if both parties agree, the process is referred to as an uncontested divorce. Contested divorces are more complex. Many individuals will most likely not know how to successfully get a divorce despite the other spouse's refusal to sign the paperwork. If the correct processes are followed, such as notifying the spouse that the divorce petition has been filed, some courts will honor the petition and issue a divorce by default. 

Domestic Abuse Allegations

Sometimes individuals seek to get divorced because of an allegedly abusive partner. It can be difficult to prove this if there were never any police reports filed or if the individual was never arrested. Divorce attorneys can use other strategies to support claims of domestic violence such as testimony from others who witnessed the abuse. This may include individuals who have seen bruises or other signs of abuse. All abuse is not physical. Attorneys can strategically use evidence such as threatening voicemails if a victim has any saved. 

The accused spouse also needs to have a good divorce attorney to refute or explain any claims of abuse. The attorney could use evidence of the accused seeking help by attending anger management classes. 

Custody of Children and Pets

In most cases, both spouses will love the children and pets. Sometimes both individuals want sole custody, which can make it difficult to get a resolution. Courts can enforce sole or joint custody. The latter gives both spouses equal rights. Sole custody requests from both parties will involve a judge reviewing what is in the best interest of the children or pets. Even if an individual is granted sole custody, the other spouse will have to abide by the visitation arrangements. 

A divorce lawyer is a good resource to use to make the process of divorcing easier. Divorce laws vary by state, which is why it is ideal to have a professional who is familiar with them. Divorce attorney services help individuals have less stress by acting on behalf of their clients during the stressful process.  

For more info about divorce law, contact a local company. 
